Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Transparent layers

I've put a picture of my first big woodcut below just to give an idea of how opaque I was working. I'm almost finished with it aside from adding a few more low lights in the dark green. Over all I'm proud of how it's turning out but am enjoying the experimentation with transparency in my new waterfall piece.

My latest success with transparency was the laying of a transparent yellow over a light blue. It turned into a nice light bright green with the subtle hit of both blue and yellow peeking through. The wood grain is very present which was even more rewarding. I have also come to the realization that by letting the grain work for me in the image, I don't have to over compensate for detail with as many colors. The combination of subtle transition in color and the wood grain creates a nice movement. The grain pattern becomes a part of my landscape and I can simply focus on the simplicity of the image, which was my main goal in the first place.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice work on the last couple of layers! Much more depth than when I saw it last.
